Last week Lenny Platt, Abbie Lucas, a film crew and I occupied Sparrow House in Cornwall on Hudson to film the web series in support of our “TV” concept MONEY SHOT. The web series is called LOO$E CHANGE and will begin to rattle out in the coming weeks as we finish the edits. The rough cut of one of the pieces, THE TIMESHARE, has caused people to snortle and randomly repeat the punchline, which suggests a general audience might also snortle and repeat the punchline very soon.
We’ll be releasing the videos online, so watch this space.
I see now that filmmaking is a thing you can only learn by doing and am reminded of the Werner Herzog idea, that the first thing a filmmaker should learn is to forge a signature…
Worth noting also that Sparrow House’s owner Sarah Peters is conceiving of workshops for writers and artists at the house, and a website will be online soon. We’re planning a weekend scriptwriting workshop – should be promising and productive for those involved.
Here is some behind the scenes media. All the actors and crew will be credited in the shorts.