New AoD: Frida Kahlo
We covered the life of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.
We covered the life of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.
A reading of a new comedy. Details here.
We talked about a major American novel, on the pod. Check it out.
Episode art: DavidHigdon76
Big air on the pod. We talked Emily Dickinson, at length.
Minnesota Playlist has begun syndicating Mouthing Off on their new website. Damon Runnals writes about it here.
We talked about Hank with poet Jason Gallagher.
John Pistelli wrote about Art of Darkness Live: Fitzgerald Part I & Winter Dreams from Bad Mouth Theatre Company. Check it out.
We did it live in St. Paul. Check it out.
More AoD.
Tickets at Phoenix. I’m directing.